Support essentials

A Brief Overview How to restrict Teacher to access only their assigned student data?

How to restrict Teacher to access only their assigned student data?

For student data access separation there is a Teacher Restricted Mode feature is available, by default teachers can access all student data but when Teacher Restricted Mode (System Settings > General Setting > Miscellaneous > Teacher Restricted Mode) is enabled then teacher can see only their assigned class-section or subject, student related data for different modules like Exam, Homework, Lesson Plan etc.

Note:- please note that if you have assigned teacher as a class teacher to the class then this teacher will be able to manage their assigned class related all data like Homework, Timetable etc even course/subject not assigned to this class teacher.

How to assign Subject Teacher -

To assign Subject Teacher you need to create Timetable from Academics > Class Timetable for the class and from here you can choose subject and can assign teacher to those selected subjects.